Community-Based and Outpatient Services
Working with families and the community toward a brighter future.

Parent/Child Interaction Therapy
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a short-term, specialized behavior management program designed for young children experiencing behavioral and/or emotional difficulties and their caregivers.
More About PCIT
PCIT averages 12-14 weekly sessions, and is an exceptionally effective treatment backed by over 30 years of research and practice by PCIT providers throughout the U.S. and internationally ( Fun for both the parent and child, PCIT focuses on improving positive child behaviors through a strong parent-child relationship. Caregivers generally see marked improvements in 3-4 sessions. Research has found that successful completion of PCIT decreases parenting stress and reduces child behavior problems in the home, school and public settings.
How PCIT Works
PCIT involves direct, live coaching of the parent with the child together, and establishing a daily positive parent-child interaction time, homework to monitor progress and generalization skills. As a therapist observes a caregiver and child, they communicate with the caregiver through an earpiece coaching them on specific play therapy and discipline skills. Using this live coaching technique, skills are acquired more rapidly, a caregiver and child can learn by doing and the therapist can support caregivers as they learn the skills. Parents/caregivers quickly become confident and proficient in skills with each child through immediate feedback.
PCIT Helps Solve Behavior Issues Early
Children rarely outgrow many difficult behaviors. Should negative behaviors continue or increase, these are likely to interfere with the children’s learning abilities and development of appropriate social skills, preventing them from reaching their full potential. Designed specifically for parents, foster parents, adoptive parents and guardians, PCIT is designed to help children, aged 2-7 with the following problems:
- Refuse or defy adult requests
- Lose temper easily
- Steal or destroy things
- Start fights or hurt others
- Staying seated or playing quietly
- Sharing or taking turns
- History of abuse of others
- Difficulty adjusting to settings
Intensive Home-Based Treatment
Intensive In-Home Based Treatment (IHBT) is a short term, specialized intervention program designed for at-risk children and their families in order to promote a stable and healthy family dynamic.
More About IHBT
The Village Network’s IHBT service is a comprehensive service provided to a youth and their families that integrates community psychiatric supportive treatment services, mental health assessment services, crisis response, behavioral health counseling and therapy services, and social services. The goal of IHBT is to help prevent an out-of-home placement or facilitating a successful transition back to home. These intensive mental health services are provided in the home and work to address and improve the mental health functioning of a youth.
We Understand Life’s Challenges
Home-based service staff recognize that it can be challenging to get to an office for a therapy appointment due to illness, disability, personal crisis, or for lack of finances, transportation, or childcare. Home-based therapy can be a solution to these obstacles, in the same way that many rural doctors still make house calls. In addition, when treatment is provided in the home, the relationship between therapist and client is likely to develop more rapidly, because clients are more relaxed at home than in an unfamiliar office setting and as a result, progress and healing can occur more readily.
We Create A Custom Plan
Working alongside the team at The Village Network, our staff will help assess the risk factors and needs of the youth and help create a custom plan of action to promote positive changes in the family environment, all in the comfort of your home. Our program offers support services for children and family including:
- Delinquent and disruptive behavior
- Trauma from neglect and abuse
- Depression
- Truancy
- Alcohol and other drug use
- Running away
- School learning or misbehaviors
- Suicide threats and ideation
- Sexually reactive behaviors
- Conflicts with authority
- Hyperactivity
- Physical and verbal aggression
- Anger management
- Poor decision-making
Day Treatment
Day treatment programs at The Village Network provide youth ages 7 to 18 years of age with nonresidential services to help them address their trauma-related issues. This program is designed for youth who require more than the conventional outpatient level of care but do not need the security of a locked residential treatment center or 24-hour care.
More About Day Treatment
Day treatment programs provide two levels of care designed to treat a variety of psychiatric conditions stemming from traumatic experiences and exposure to toxic and chronic stress. Applying the recommended interventions from the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics brain matrix and assessment, this trauma recovery program uses group therapy, psychopharmacology, psychoeducation and individual therapy to help at-risk youth.
Our Approach
Our treatment approach is based on the sciences behind the Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics™. This approach integrates several core principles of neurodevelopment and traumatology into a comprehensive approach to the child, family, and their broader community. Many of our interventions are designed to strengthen the minds of our youth and allow them to make sound decisions and develop relationships. Some interventions include art and music therapy, equine therapy, yoga and movement therapy.
Broad Range Of Care
Our program is designed to treat a variety of mental health issues and related problems stemming from traumatic experiences. These mental health issues may include:
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Depression
- Dissociation
- Self-mutilation (cutting)
- Dysregulation
- Impulsiveness
- Isolation from family and friends
- Irritability and anger
- Anxiety
- Thoughts of suicide or homicide
- Distress tolerance difficulties
- Sleep disturbance
- Interpersonal conflict
Qualified, Certified, Staff
Our staff is made up of caring professionals who are dedicated to providing high quality services to assist in improving the lives of the people we serve. Our staff includes:
- Bachelor, Masters, and Independent Licensed Social Workers
- Bachelor, Masters, and Independent Licensed Professional Counselors
- Psychoeducation Group Leaders
- Sensory Integration Coaches
- Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselors
- Psychiatrists
- Nurse Practitioner
Juvenile Court Programs
Juvenile court programs at The Village Network are Home/School/Community based programs that provide comprehensive mental health and “wraparound” support services to help youth safely function in the community and avoid placement in detention centers.
More About Juvenile Court Programs
These custom programs serve as a diversionary, intensive probation alternative for youth presenting to the Court with a qualifying mental health diagnosis or a moderate to severe substance use disorder or both (dual-diagnosis). The goals of the program are to empower youth and families, promote individual wellness and ensure community safety. Objectives are achieved by helping youth identify their strengths and positive attributes, acknowledge the challenges associated with mental health diagnosis and substance use disorders and obtain the skills needed to effectively manage their diagnosis.
A Collaborative Effort
Through a collaborative approach, success is aimed at significantly reducing out-of-home placements and working with the entire family. The support and treatment team can include a magistrate, a supervisor, probation officers, court personnel, school staff and treatment care and counseling staff. The program partners with The Village Network to offer youth and families treatment for mental health challenges and/or substance use disorders. This collaborative approach offers the best opportunity for the youth to receive optimal program benefits.
- Comprehensive Mental Health and Substance Abuse Assessment and Re-Assessment
- Individual and Family Counseling
- Parent Education and Skills development
- Life Skills Education
- Comprehensive Case Management services/linkages to community resources
- Care coordination/behavioral management
- Comprehensive Drug/Alcohol Treatment when indicated
- 24/7 staff availability for crisis intervention and other necessary services
- School Interventions
- Safety planning
- Relapse Prevention
- Intensive In-Home Crisis Intervention