Treatment Foster Care
Every child needs someone who loves & cares for them.

What Is Foster Care?
Foster care is a temporary living arrangement for abused, neglected, and dependent children who need a safe place to live when their parents or relatives cannot take care of them. They are just like any other child you know— loving, playful, and full of potential, but they have suffered trauma through no fault of their own.
What Is Treatment Foster Care?
The Village Network provides family-based Treatment Foster Care for children and youth who have been removed from their homes due to childhood trauma or other unsafe conditions, and require more than the basic care, support, love, and nurturing that regular, or “traditional” foster care placements provide. We train, support, and supervise caring foster parents to provide treatment aimed at healing, teaching new coping skills, and helping each child find peace and happiness.
Give a Child a Chance at a Bright Future by Becoming a Foster Parent Today.
How Do You Become A Foster Parent?
- Contact Us—Call 800-638-3232, email, or complete the contact form below to learn how you can change a child’s life.
- Orientation—Learn more about The Village Network and being a foster parent.
- Training—Navigate the role of a foster parent while receiving the highest quality training.
- Application—Take the first step in the licensing process with the guidance of our staff.
- Home Visit—Prepare your home for the needs of a foster child.
- Family Assessment—Provide references, physical exams TB test results of homestead.
- Become A Family—You are now a foster parent!
- Continuing Education—Ongoing training to help you as a foster parent.
Mental Health Of A Foster Child
There’s no denying that many of The Village Network’s foster care children have suffered trauma. Our foster parents are prepared to provide guidance to the youth after intensive training. TVN’s staff of clinical therapists, behavioral specialists, and foster care support staff provide the education and tools to build a successful, healthy relationship with your foster child.
What Is Respite?
Respite Foster care is when one foster family temporarily cares for another family’s foster children. The goal of the service is to give the child and the child’s original foster family a bit of a break — a respite. Unlike other parents, who can simply call a babysitter or drop the kids with their grandparents, so they can grab a night out alone, this isn’t always an option for foster parents, particularly for those who are fostering children who are victims of trauma or abuse.
At The Village Network, we provide specific provisions for respite foster care in our contracts with parents as an incentive to help place children with special needs, as well as in homes where multiple foster children have been placed. If you’ve been thinking about fostering, but you’re nervous about it, providing respite foster care at first may be a way to test the waters.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be married to be a foster parent?
No, we have many single foster parents who thrive and provide excellent care to the youth in their home.
Is it okay if I already have children in the home?
Yes, we have many families who have biological and other children in the home. Your home will be assessed for suitability based on many factors, but having existing children is not a problem. In fact, it can be a benefit many times, as the youth we place need to see functional family environments.
How old do I have to be to become a foster parent at TVN?
21 years of age.
Do I have to own my own home?
No, renting is fine.
How long is the process to become licensed as a treatment foster parent at TVN?
It varies, but the more motivated an applicant is, the quicker the process is. 3-6 months is standard, but can be much closer to 3 months depending on the applicant’s motivation.