Southeast Region: Bethesda Youth Break In New Gym
This year, the Bethesda Campus received a generous donation to replace its worn out gymnasium floor. Once installed, the staff and youth didn’t hesitate to break it in.
“After the ribbon cutting ceremony, we christened the gym with a staff vs. youth basketball game,” Southeast Regional Director Mark Ingles said. “The kids nearly beat the staff twice.”
As part of the residential programming in Bethesda, all youth living on campus are involved in a basketball program and compete against local basketball groups. Games happen about twice per month.
“The basketball program is bigger than the athletics of it. It’s really about sportsmanship,” Ingles said. “It’s a life skills training, if you will.”
As youth play basketball, they discover what it’s like to work as a team to achieve a common goal. They also learn to obey rules, respect authority and to have a positive attitude regardless if they win or lose the game.
Their next game will be against the local board of county commissioners.
Meet the donor who gave $15k to the Bethesda Campus so we could install a new gym floor. Read the press release about the ribbon cutting ceremony.