Therapeutic Stabilization Center opens in Wooster
WOOSTER, Ohio — The Village Network’s Therapeutic Stabilization Center, a facility designed to provide care to 10- to 21-year-olds facing a severe crisis, is now open.
The Center, a first-of-its-kind facility in Wayne County, will serve youth primarily in Wayne and Holmes counties who are experiencing immediate psychological or emotional crises. These youth may be victims of trauma and neglect, or they might be struggling to manage the day-to-day stressors.
The Center’s aim is to be a secure, short-term residential facility to help those youth and their families manage and deal with these crises. Chief Clinical Officer David Paxton said the Therapeutic Stabilization Center will treat youth who have a diagnosis requiring intensive, structured intervention within a brief period of time.
Youth who are admitted into the Center might exhibit a potential of harming themselves or others. Because of this risk, they will probably not be able to be treated in a less-restrictive facility. The vision of the facility was to provide area youth and their families a place nearby to receive this level of care.
Sometimes children were transported to centers up to three hours away, making it extremely difficult for families to be involved immediately in the treatment process. CEO and President Rich Graziano said he is glad The Village Network can offer this kind of care to the youth in Wayne and Holmes counties. “Having families involved immediately will help promote healing quicker,” Graziano said. “By having a local treatment center, the youth will not only be close to their families, but also their doctors, counselors and schools.”
The 16-bed coed center will be able to help some step down from a more-restrictive level of care. Services provided on-site include: Psychological evaluations; health screenings; NMT brain mapping; individual therapy; group therapy; family therapy; and case management services.
The Therapeutic Stabilization Center was built in partnership with the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Wayne & Holmes Counties and is licensed by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.