Knox County Family & Children’s Resource Center Open House rescheduled for Aug. 22

MOUNT VERNON, Ohio – The Open House for the Knox County Family & Children’s Resource Center has been rescheduled for Monday, August 22 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the new Knox County Family & Children’s Resource Center, 17606 Coshocton Road, Mount Vernon. The ceremony will begin at 11:15 a.m. Guided tours and lunch will also be provided.
Developed in partnership with the Knox County Commissioners and the Knox County Department of Job and Family Services, The Village Network’s new Knox County Family & Children’s Resource Center is located behind the Children’s Resource Center residential facility.
Now that it’s complete, the new Knox County Family & Children’s Resource Center will provide the additional space needed to properly serve the community, including:
- Additional clinical space to provide individual, group and family therapy, including a one-way mirror for observational capacity during parent-child interaction therapy;
- Multi-Purpose Room for training and NMT-framed physical activity;
- Sensory Integration Room – a soothing and therapeutic room for children who need assistance with emotional regulation;
- Two NME-trained classrooms managed and staffed by the East Central Ohio Educational Service Center.
The Village Network’s team has been providing trauma education, treatment foster care and behavioral health services to the Knox County community for over 20 years.
“In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, children throughout the United States and families right here in Ohio, are amidst a mental health crisis,” said Richard Graziano, President & CEO of The Village Network. “This new facility couldn’t have come at a better time, and we’re excited to celebrate this next chapter of caring for the youth and families of Knox County and surrounding communities.”
Please RSVP by Fri., Aug. 19 via email to or by calling (330) 202-2146. The new Knox County Family & Children’s Resource Center is located directly behind the Children’s Resource Center. Attendees are asked to please park near the Opportunity Knox building and follow the balloons to the ceremony location.
For more information about The Village Network, please visit their website at or follow them on their social media pages at or