The Village Network Columbus Achieves Certification for Intensive Home-Based Treatment Program

COLUMBUS, Ohio – As part of their commitment to providing a full continuum of care of behavioral health services, The Village Network is proud to announce the Columbus Intensive Home-Based Treatment program met state fidelity standards and was declared certified by the Center for Innovative Practice at the Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education at Case Western Reserve University.
Intensive Home-Based Treatment (IHBT) is a short term, specialized intervention program designed for at-risk children and their families in order to promote a stable and healthy family dynamic. The Village Network’s comprehensive IHBT program integrates community psychiatric supportive treatment services, mental health assessment, crisis response, behavioral health counseling and therapy services, and social services. The goal of IHBT is to help prevent an out-of-home placement or facilitating a successful transition back home. These intensive mental health services are provided in the home and work to address and improve the mental health functioning of a youth.
“We are so proud of our Columbus team for working together to meet the rigorous standards set forth for Intensive Home-Based Treatment program certification,” said Richard Graziano, CEO of The Village Network. “This certification demonstrates our unwavering pursuit of excellence and commitment to quality programs.”
The Columbus IHBT program is the first within The Village Network’s regions to achieve this distinction.
“IHBT is beneficial because it focuses on the entire family, removes some of the access challenges that prevent at-risk youth and families from participating in other behavioral health and social services, takes place in the comfort of their own homes, and offers a full continuum of care,” says Dave Paxton, Chief Clinical Officer of The Village Network. “Benefits for participants include a significant reduction in involvement with the juvenile justice system, reduced out of home placement, such as residential treatment or foster care, and an increase in school success.”
For more information on The Village Network’s Intensive Home-Based Treatment services, click here .