After nearly 50 years of use, The Village Network demolished its original Boys’ Village gym and will soon break ground [. . .]
Press Releases
First Original Building to be Demolished at Boys’ Village Campus
WOOSTER- The Boys’ Village gymnasium is the first building at The Village Network’s Boys’ Village Campus to be demolished and [. . .]

The Village Network is Hiring Multiple Positions to Meet Staffing Needs of Rapid Program Growth
WOOSTER- To keep up with its rapid program growth, The Village Network is hiring multiple positions to continue to provide [. . .]

The Village Network Teaches 65 Educators Across Ohio to Care for Traumatized Students in the Classroom
WOOSTER- The Village Network will lead a training of 65 educators in 30 Ohio schools on how to care for [. . .]

The Village Network Teaches Mental Health Professionals To Care For Minor Human Trafficking Victims
WOOSTER- Mental health professionals have the opportunity to learn how to care for human trafficking victims from nationally recognized human [. . .]

MEDIA ADVISORY: The Village Network Highlights New Entrepreneurship Program at Celebration Day
The Village Network began its new Entrepreneurship Program this year and will feature the program at its annual Celebration Day [. . .]
National Advocacy Organization Visits The Village Network
WOOSTER - President of the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities Susan Dreyfus visited The Village Network Boys’ Village Campus [. . .]

MEDIA ADVISORY: The Village Network to Host Open House at its Salem, Ohio Location
After completing the construction of its new educational facility, The Village Network will host an open house event for community [. . .]
Belmont County Woman Donates $15K to New Horizons Campus of The Village Network
BETHESDA- Long-term Belmont County resident Mary Lee Powell generously donated $15,000 to replace the gymnasium floor at the New Horizons [. . .]
MEDIA ADVISORY: New Horizons Campus of The Village Network Hosts Ribbon Cutting and Open House after Receiving $15K Donation from Belmont County Woman
Long-term Belmont County resident Mary Lee Powell generously donated $15,000 to replace the gymnasium floor at the New Horizons Campus [. . .]